History Of The Sweetest Day

Sweetest Day is always observed on the third Saturday in October, but where exactly did this holiday come from? Legend has it that this lovers’ holiday was established around 1922 by Herbert Birch Kingston. Kingston was a Cleveland, Ohio candy company employee who wanted to bring happiness to the lives of people who had been forgotten. He decided on this day that he would distribute candy and small gifts to orphans, or people that were confined to their homes due to illness. In the 1930s, movie stars started to take notice of this holiday and some famous actors helped make the holiday even more popular. Over the course of time, Sweetest Day broadened to become almost as popular as Valentine’s Day.

With October quickly approaching, you may be wondering what kind of gift to give your loved one for Sweetest Day. Let’s take a look at some popular gifts that will certainly show that special someone how much they mean to you.

A Couples Massage

If you want to give your loved one a relaxing and personal experience for Sweetest Day, consider giving them the gift of a couples massage. During a couples massage, two people receive massages at the same time from two different massage therapists. Not only is this an excellent bonding opportunity for you and your loved one, it’s an excellent opportunity for couples to communicate and relax together. Massages have been known to reduce stress and muscle tension in the body, and they can even improve circulation and boost your immune system.

Send Your Loved One Eternity™ Roses

If flowers are the way to your significant other's’ heart, consider ordering some Eternity™ Roses from Venus Et Fleur to celebrate Sweetest Day. Our Eternity™ Roses are real live roses that have been treated with our proprietary solution to create roses that look, feel, and smell fresh for up to a year! We offer a variety of beautiful floral collections that will surely make your loved one smile. From our limited edition Lé Clair™ Collection to our Red Suede Heart Box, you’re sure to find a wonderful rose arrangement for that special person in your life. Browse our online store today!

Plan A Weekend Getaway

Even though Sweetest Day may fall on a weekday, that doesn’t mean you can’t plan a romantic weekend getaway with your loved one. The location of your getaway will likely depend on your budget, but there are many affordable and romantic destinations that you can choose from. Whether you plan a short trip to the beach or fly across the globe to a tropical destination, your significant other will appreciate a break from their regular routine.

As you can see, there are many fun and romantic things you can do to celebrate Sweetest Day. Whether you schedule a couples massage, plan a weekend getaway or order some of our Eternity™ Roses, there are many unique ways to show your significant other how much you care. If you think flowers are the way to go, browse our special collection of floral arrangements online today!