Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and many couples are working hard to make a plan or buy a gift that truly shows their partner how they feel. It’s no secret that Valentine’s Day is one of the most romantic days of the year, and for that reason, couples can feel pressure to make it extra special.
At Venus ET Fleur®, we believe that you should celebrate the love you and your partner share each and every day. That’s why our Eternity® Roses make the perfect gift for the love of your life this Feb 14. Not only can you find the perfect arrangement of luxury roses to wow your significant other, but our Real Roses That Last A Year® will also act as a daily reminder of how much you care for your partner. Explore our Special Collections to find the perfect gift for your sweetheart, and order now to get your arrangement just in time for Valentine’s Day!
While Valentine’s Day is a special day of the year for most couples, it’s not impossible to bring a little of that V-Day romance into your relationship each and every day. Continue reading for a few tips on how to celebrate your love on days other than Feb 14.
If you and your spouse or partner both work full-time, it can be difficult at the end of a busy day to spend some quality time with each other. When the day has seemed long and stressful, there’s a good chance that all you want to do is eat dinner and go to bed. However, spending some quality time with your partner can not only help you unwind after a busy day, but it can also help you strengthen your relationship.
Instead of immediately going to bed after dinner, consider watching a TV show or a movie together to relax. You can also start the evening by sharing a meal together in your home, even if it’s just a take-out pizza. You may be surprised at how spending time together each day can make you closer.
Partners who have been together for years may have a routine, and over time, you may start to take the little things in your routine for granted. For example, if you are usually the one who makes dinner, then it may be expected that your partner cleans up the dishes. After being together for so long, you may not even notice the little things your partner does, or if you do, you may start to expect them as part of the routine.
To shake things up and help your partner feel appreciated in all that they do, try saying thank you for the little things in your routine. Next time your partner folds the laundry or takes out the trash, thank them and let them know you appreciate it. This may take your partner by surprise at first, but it will also help them feel like a valuable part of the relationship.
In today’s society, we are surrounded by technology of all kinds, and it may not seem out of the ordinary to have your cell phone join you at the dinner table or while you’re watching TV. While you may not be directly using your phone or laptop, you are still highly aware of when it goes off, which can detract from being present in the moment.
Consider making a pact with your significant other to turn off technology at some point during the day. Perhaps you decide to turn off and put away cell phones during dinner or as you’re getting ready for bed. Doing so will allow you to be more present in the moment with your partner, enjoy their company, and actually listen to what they are saying without interruption from technology.