The Importance of Flowers and Feng Shui For Your Home Decor

In the art of Chinese metaphysics, Feng Shui brings balance, comfort, and harmony to your environment and life. It’s the concept that the layout and design of your home can impact your physical and mental wellbeing, as well as success in your relationships and in your career. One way to enhance the Feng Shui in your home is by adding flowers. Flowers can transform a home into an oasis.

Flowers have an abundance of chi, also known as cosmic energy, and the right balance can help you to create a positive energy flow throughout your home. Dead plants have negative chi, which can cause a stagnant energy to lay over your garden or your home. By bringing in live, fresh flowers and incorporating them into  your home decor, you will soon feel a boost of vivaciousness in your life. Venus ET Fleur® flower arrangements are made with Real Roses That Last A Year®, so you can fill up your home with fresh-smelling flowers that last. They’re ideal for bringing cleansing, bright energy into your space and life.

Practice Bagua When Placing Flowers For Positive Energy

One of the first steps to understanding Feng Shui is by understanding the bagua map. The bagua map is split up into nine sections. Think of a 3x3 grid. Each section analyzes the energy in a given space, assigning a color as well as an area of life. If you are standing at the entrance of a room, facing inward:

  • In the far left corner is Wealth and Prosperity, symbolized by the color purple
  • In the far middle section is Fame and Reputation, symbolized by the color red
  • In the far right corner is Love and Marriage, symbolized by the color pink
  • In the middle left section is Family Relationships and Ancestors, symbolized by the color green
  • In the very center of the grid is Health, symbolized by the color yellow
  • In the middle right section is Children and Creativity, symbolized by the color white
  • In the near/bottom left corner is Knowledge and Self-Cultivation, symbolized by the color blue
  • In the near/bottom middle section is Career and Life Path, symbolized by the color black
  • In the near/bottom right corner is Helpful People and Travels, symbolized by the color gray

By following the bagua map, you can manifest and improve specific areas of your life by focusing on certain sections of your room or your home. Be intentional with your home decor. For example, to improve your knowledge and self-cultivation, you might place a blue-colored crystal, such as celestite or sodalite, in the right corner of the room that’s closest to the entrance. In this way, you can control the flow and functionality of each room.

Use Flowers to Attract Passion and Pure Love

Using the bagua map, you’ll find that the area for love and marriage is in the far right corner of your room, or your home, if you are standing at the main entrance. Roses are the universal symbol of pure love and passion, so by placing roses into the far right corner, you’ll be able to attract more love into your life—and allow for it to stay. For stronger manifestation, place an amorous arrangement of red roses in the corner.

Consider placing our Classic Bundle Set, featuring red Eternity® Roses, onto a bedside table you have placed in the far right corner. If your bed is already situated in the far right corner, consider placing a shallow floating shelf above the bed, and arrange the three stunning pieces —our timeless Le Mini Round, Le Mini Square, and fragrant Rose Blanche Votive—onto the shelf. This set also serves as a wonderful gift, so that your friends and family can also bring more positivity into their spaces and lives.

The bedroom should be a place of love and rest, so make sure to decorate your room with other elements that symbolize romance and passion, such as a rose quartz crystal or two matching lamps on either side of the bed. Equal or symmetrical pairs of two will bring good luck in your love life.

Use Flowers For Prosperity In Your Work Life

When you want to attract more prosperity, abundance, and wealth into your home, bring in some purple flowers. According to the bagua map, placing purple flowers in the far left corner of your room, or your home, will improve the flow of wealth.

The color purple has long been associated with royalty and luxury, as it is a rare color to find in nature. Long ago, purple dyes were extremely hard to come by, and the first violet color was made only after extracting several sea snails. In fact, this rich color was so hard to come by that items dyed purple were worth more than its weight in gold. For an amalgamation of this royal color, order a Thalia Vase with Mixed Eternity™ Flowers in the lavender tone. Featuring a beautiful mix of garden roses, hydrangeas, and gardenias, this lavish flower arrangement is all that you need to manifest wealth and prosperity into your life.

For more powerful Feng Shui, incorporate elements of wood and water into the far left corners, as both wood and water are elements of nature and wealth. Hang up artwork such as a painting of a waterfall, placed in an organic wooden frame, or hang a mirror in that corner of the room. Mirrors are considered to symbolize water because of its reflective nature. Hanging a mirror in your space will also make the room feel and seem more spacious, which can be soothing.

Use Flowers to Cultivate Happiness and Health

The very center of the bagua map symbolizes health and is represented by the color of the sun, yellow. This means that at the heart of every room and every home lies your pathway to good health. If your dining room is at the heart of your home, then make sure to include lots of bright yellow flowers at the dinner table. If the center is in your living room, lay out your coffee table in the center of the living room, and place a sunny arrangement of yellow flowers as the centerpiece. We love the look of a Venus ET Fleur arrangement placed on top of or alongside a beautiful stack of coffee table books.

When you focus on your center, you will inevitably allow positive energy to flow through the other eight sections of your home. Good health is the solution to most areas of your life—mentally, physically, or emotionally. When these three areas are in harmony, you will thrive.

While you could opt for one large centerpiece with yellow flowers, you could also go with several smaller arrangements, such as our Le Petit White Classic rose arrangement, to scatter bits of health and happiness around the center of your home. This elegant flower arrangement features four beautiful roses in a petite Parisian-style hat box. This gorgeous assemblage is small enough to place multiple pieces throughout the room without being over-the-top, while the yellow roses are vibrant enough to keep you happy and smiling. Even the smallest yellow arrangement will introduce an immense amount of brightness into your space.

Go through each one of the rooms in your home using the bagua map, being intentional with your choice of decor, to create a better sense of Feng Shui. You will slowly begin to see positive changes in the area(s) of your life that you chose to focus on. Browse our special collections at Venus ET Fleur for more ways that you can decorate your house, and with it bring more positive chi into your life.