Many of us are still working from home and many of us always have and always will work from home. Working from home can be incredibly conducive to productivity and positivity—as long as it’s done correctly.
Working in an office environment can be satisfying—we’re social creatures, and having a space to go to that’s devoted to work can help us to stay focused throughout the day. Luckily, working from home can be just as wonderful. Read on to learn about our tips for making your work life—from home—beautiful, joyful, productive, and filled with abundance. It can, in essence, be akin to an arrangement of roses. Follow our guide to learn about how to make the most of your WFH experience.
This is essential. If you work from home, make sure that you designate an area of your home solely to work. We recommend that you invest in a beautiful desk that you like—one that’s elegant and welcomes abundance. Make the space beautiful with a Venus ET Fleur® arrangement, such as our Le Clair Quinze in gold. You can keep treasures and/or necessities in the storage compartment, and the warm gold tone of the Real Flowers That Last A Year™ will bring abundance to your life. Flowers are also incredibly soothing, so having them on your desk will help you to remain calm during busy and/or stressful work days. Flowers are also incredible to look at, of course, and glancing up from your computer screen to look at them will vastly improve the quality of your work day.
You’ll also want to work from a comfortable chair, so that your body is supported and comfortable as you work.
On your desk, place a pen cup—we recommend using a beautiful drinking glass or small vase so that your pens and highlighters are beautiful to look at. It’s empowering to use a beautiful, colorful journal to keep track of your assignments, to-do lists, and notes. Doing so will make you more inclined to use them, and will also make your desk look much more luxurious. If you use a paper planner in addition to online calendars and schedulers, invest in a gorgeous leather book. You can also use it to make gratitude lists and write down your goals when you’re in the mood to do so.
Keep objects such as a framed photo or two of loved ones, a gorgeous candle, such as our incredibly fragrant and sophisticated Rose Blanche candle from our Maison Collection—which will scent your home and give your eyes a warming glow to glance at on occasion, incense, notes with words of encouragements and/or quotes that you find to be inspiring, an artful paperweight, some soothing essential oils, a coaster, and a lip balm. Having these items on hand while you work will help you to have more enjoyable, pleasurable, and soothing work days. We spend so much of our time working—and details such as these will vastly improve work, and therefore your life.
When working from home, it’s essential to create and stick to a schedule. Try to wake up at the same time each day—the earlier the better—so that you can have a morning before the work day begins. Get dressed, make your bed, enjoy a clean and nourishing breakfast, do a bit of morning movement, create your to-do list for the day, prepare your lunch, and begin the work day.
Try to schedule your work day around meetings and meals, so that you know when you’ll be working on each item on your task list. Organizing your time and keeping to a similar schedule every single day will help you to have consistency and remain more sane and collected.
Throughout the day, make sure to take frequent breaks for short walks, Instagram breaks, meals and snacks, and so forth. Our brains are more productive and the quality of our work is better when we take small, frequent breaks to give our brains and bodies moments of rest and relaxation. If you’re having a stressful day or are an anxious person, try taking small meditation breaks and/or practice deep breathing. The flow of oxygen will help you to feel—and work—infinitely better.
Venus ET Fleur® is devoted to self care and to self love. During your work day—and always—take time to practice acts of self care. Apply calming essential oils, keep yourself hydrated (try our rose water ice cube recipe!), take frequent breaks for snacks, meals, and meditation, practice deep breathing, compliment yourself, take time to think of, write down, or speak out loud about that which you are grateful for, apply beautifully scented lip balms, make your hydration regimen more delicious by adding rose petals, stevia, lemon, etc. to your sparkling water, and keep your space clean.
Take time throughout your day to smile. It will make you feel happier and more grateful, it will cause you to worry less and know that everything is—and will be—wonderful, regardless of the daily stressors that all of us deal with. Treat yourself to an arrangement—or several arrangements—of flowers, such as our Fleura Vase with Eternity® Roses and Eternity™ Hedera Leaves, and send an arrangement to someone who you love. Giving to those who we love is a form of self care.
When working in an office, we leave work at a certain time and go to happy hour, dinner, the movies, or home to wind down for the evening and relax. It’s essential to do the same when working from home. Determine a time to stop working—be it 5PM, 6PM, or whenever you usually leave work—and stick to it. Unless something is urgent, your tasks will wait until the following morning, when you are refreshed and ready to accomplish more work, more diligently.
When it’s time to stop working, close your computer (unless you’re using it to listen to music or Podcasts or watch movies), and do something enjoyable that will help you to transition into evening wind down time. We recommend having a clean cocktail (we’ll soon be writing about some recipes that incorporate flower petals and herbs), cook or order in a delicious and nourishing meal, play some music, change into a silk robe or something comfortable, and relax! Working from home does NOT equate to working later than usually would, unless there’s something that needs doing.
Setting aside evenings for enjoyable activities, mindless activities such as scrolling through Instagram, stretching, zoning out in bed, speaking with loved ones, or listening to guided meditations is essential for allowing our brains to recharge. It’ll also help you to enjoy your life more—we’re put on this earth to work diligently, but we’re also human—and as such, we need time for fun and relaxation.
End your work days with pure relaxation, in bed. We recommend placing an elegant and soothing arrangement of flowers, such as our Sylvie Vase from our new Maison Collection, on your bedside table. The sophisticated Sylvie arrangement won’t take up too much room on your bedside table, and the fragrance of the stunning roses will transport you beautifully into the dream world. You’ll feel happier and even more blessed and grateful every time that you look at them.
So there you have it—working from home can be an incredibly joyous, productive, and beautiful experience. All that it takes is a few dashes of beauty, some grace, some inspiration, and a lot of self love.
Now—back to work!
Venus ET Fleur®.