Historically speaking, flowers, and especially roses, have been a symbol of both love and of strength. They have even been the symbols of armies, and heroic kings have cultivated them for the strength they were believed to possess. In modern times, flowers have been more associated with gifts for women, but some men enjoy flowers as well, especially roses that indicate the woman he loves feels the same.
Times are always a-changing, and so are trends in the flower business. Five or ten years ago, sending flowers to a boyfriend might have seemed odd. No macho man would want to admit he appreciated flowers for their fragrance or look.
Nowadays, it is no longer uncommon to see men going to the spa for a facial or mud bath, and a manicure or pedicure is not out of the question. Next to these formerly feminine self-care activities, flowers for a man seems pretty quaint! Though for many men, a plant may be a better choice.
But what kinds of flowers would you get for a guy? This can be hard to determine since many men are probably unsure which types of flowers they would like. Surprisingly, though, there are many masculine choices.
Though this may not apply to everyone, most of the guys we have spoken to are uncomfortable with pastel colors and like flowers in simple, masculine arrangements that are not too busy. Good choices include a masculine monochromatic palette.
For example, dendrobium orchid bouquets in white or purple are an excellent choice for a guy. Robust sunflower bouquets are another good option, or consider tropical flowers, such as birds of paradise, for him. Many men feel these types of flowers have personality and a strong appearance.
Contemporary floral arrangements are also a great choice. They have strong clean lines and a natural style. It is important to pick a flower arrangement that does not look like your grandmother’s bouquet.
Different flowers also have various symbolic meanings, so your choice may depend on what type of relationship you have with the person you are buying the bouquet for. Some examples include the following:
These symbolize friendship, so they are a good choice as a gift if you have a platonic relationship with a man you care about.
Daisies are given as a sign of loyalty.
Red roses are the ultimate symbol of romantic love. There are many shades of red that represent certain feelings and expressions. Also, the number of red roses included in a bouquet symbolizes specific aspects of a romantic relationship, such as commitment, trust, and attraction. A single rose signifies love at first sight.
Yellow roses also symbolize friendship.
This can also be a good choice for your romantic partner. If you want to express your devotion to the one you love, consider the alstroemeria.
Bamboo expresses good luck. If your man is embarking on an adventure or a new business venture, bamboo flowers are a great way to say, “Break a leg.”
Does your man have a hobby that expresses his personality? If so, choosing a bouquet of flowers for him is even easier. You can provide a personal touch. For example, a nature enthusiast’s passion can be well reflected with a rustic, natural arrangement. If your guy loves fixing cars, woodworking, or any other hobby that requires working with his hands, consider a bonsai plant. The bonsai has a masculine appeal and will give him a chance to tinker.
The last decade has seen shifting in the market for flowers. Though men have traditionally been the givers of flowers, more and more are now becoming recipients of these beautiful gifts. Though some guys may still think they should be the giver of flowers, that does not mean they do not want to get flowers from their partner occasionally. Some of the reasons men are becoming more receptive to receiving flowers include the following:
Guys need to hear, “I love you,” once in a while, and a great and unique way to express this is with a gift of flowers. A single red rose is a traditional pick for an “I love you.” If you are unsure about getting a bouquet of flowers for your man, a single red rose can be a simple way to express your feelings.
Who does not want to appear sophisticated and as a man of the times? Accepting flowers shows that he is capable of appreciating the beauty in the world.
Flowers have traditionally been gifted to recognize someone’s achievements. Certainly, a male boss would not give a male employee flowers. However, a female boss may gift flowers or plants in an acknowledgment of effort and achievement.
A lot of men might be a bit embarrassed to receive flowers in the office, but many would certainly feel flattered if the flowers came from a woman he cared about.
In Europe, they have no particular name for a guy who can both work on a car and talks about art and classical music. However, in America’s cities, such a man is termed a “metrosexual.” This type of urban male is a good choice for a gift of flowers, as his varied interests make him more open to a beautiful gift like this.
Many men frequently send flowers to their spouses and loved ones. These gifts may be sent on special occasions, to express a desire to be with the one he loves or just to say, “I love you.” Returning the favor with a tasteful flower is certain to be appreciated.
Some men just appreciate flowers. Think of the number of men involved in the growing and selling of flowers. If you have a flower lover in your household, a special arrangement is sure to be a hit.
Everyone occasionally needs to feel special. A plant or bouquet evokes that “special” feeling. With the gift nicely displayed, that feeling can stay around for weeks.
Of course, this reason is the favorite. Guys love to know their ladies love them, and flowers speak, “I love you” louder than words.
Have you ever wondered how red roses came to symbolize love? The origin of this tradition comes from Greco-Roman mythology. These ancient polytheists believed that the red rose came to symbolize love because their goddess of love created them after her lover, Adonis, was lost to her in death. For this reason, the red rose has come to symbolize romance.
But in the following centuries, roses came to symbolize much more than love.
Medieval times may have been dark in Europe, but the people choose a bright symbol in roses, which they believed bestowed not just love but also power and courage. Many Medieval kings cultivated rose bushes in the belief that they symbolized the strength needed to overcome their enemies. For example, the 7th Century King of the Franks, Charlemagne, a great warrior, was incredibly fond of rose bushes and grew them at his palace as a representation of his power and dominance.
Knights also believed in the power of roses. During the religious crusades of the 12th and 13th centuries, many knights discovered species of roses that were not present in Europe. Many gathered these new types of roses and brought them back to Europe to be planted. These new varieties still exist in western and northern Europe today.
Roses also became military symbols. The War of the Roses, which occurred during England’s Tudor period, was thus called because the belligerents each took a rose as their army’s symbol. The House of York and Henry VI were at war for the English throne, and The House of York chose the white rose to symbolize its campaign, while Henry VI chose the red rose as his symbol. Eventually, Henry VII took the throne and chose to unite the two symbols into the Rose of England, a symbol that can still be seen carved into the ornate woodwork of Tudor age palaces today.
Times have changed greatly from the days when roses were the symbols of military units. Over time, flowers and especially red roses have been looked upon more as expressions of love than of war and power. However, over the last decade, flowers and plants as a masculine symbol seems to be coming back into style.
Many flower arrangements are available that have a masculine appeal. With flower gifts to men becoming more in vogue, it is now possible for women to reciprocate their love’s gift of flowers with a flower arrangement picked just for him.
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